"Let’s save energy now"


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Enovos asked us to develop a national campaign to raise awareness among Luxembourg residents of the importance of reducing energy consumption. The idea is to draw attention to the small changes we can make together to save electricity and gas on a daily basis.
To promote the "Let's save energy now" gimmick, binsfeld proposed a spot that illustrates how to best save energy. Galvanised by this inspiring message, the protagonists sing together "We have all the power", written and composed in collaboration with the Luxembourgish duo Magestick Records.
As part of this campaign, binsfeld produced a spot that was broadcast in cinemas, on TV and on the Internet. With the message "We all have the power to save energy". The campaign is also available in print, on billboards, radio, bannering and advertorials published in the RDP.

Projects for the same client



Enovos advertising campaign – enocare


“Ecomobility” animation

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