binsfeld produces issue 4 of Dat ass Lëtzebuerg

Post Luxembourg

Produce a stamp-collecting album that includes 9 stamps dedicated to forgotten vegetables, following on from the three previous issues, dedicated to long-lost trades, Luxembourg’s Unesco sites and 15 years of the reign of HRH Grand Duke Henry.
A book containing the 9 non-cancelled stamps and their descriptions; a portrait of their designer, watercolourist Mariepol Goetzinger; a reflection on the importance of seeds and biodiversity; and a portrait of gardener Steve Schwartz, who grows hundreds of varieties of fruit and vegetable in his garden.
More gripping than ever, issue 4 not only covers vegetables of yesteryear, but also particularly emphasises the importance of protecting seeds. A book aimed both at passionate stamp-collectors and at lovers of Luxembourg’s heritage, as well as at anyone else who is curious.

Projects for the same client

Post Luxembourg

Post Luxembourg

“Dat ass Lëtzebuerg! n°2: zoom sur les sites UNESCO du Luxembourg”

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