eise buet

Commune of Bettembourg

With its magazine, Bettembourg wishes to draw the attention of its inhabitants to life in the municipality. Past and future events, political life in the municipality, practical information, updates on construction works, etc. The ‘eise buet’ must be a special channel of information for all residents of Bettembourg.
Richly illustrated articles, including the cover story on the ‘Nuit des Merveilles’ in this issue, dedicated pages for children presented by the giant Parc Merveilleux: the magazine is visually appealing and the different sections are clearly identifiable.
The eise buet showcases local news. Published in French, Luxembourgish and German, it is distributed to all houses in the municipality and is therefore in the hands of every inhabitant. Check the magazine here.

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Nous avons le profond regret de vous faire part du décès,
survenu le mardi 12 mars 2024, de notre collègue


Le courage dont il a fait preuve ces derniers mois a forcé notre admiration et suscité notre plus profond respect. Nous nous associons à la douleur de sa famille et de ses proches et leur présentons nos plus sincères condoléances.

Cher ami, nous n’oublierons jamais ta bonne humeur, ton savoir-vivre, ta bienveillance et ton élégance.

Toutes les équipes de l’agence binsfeld