Luxembourg’s visual identity

Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs

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The development of a visual identity for Luxembourg. The project was begun in the context of a nation-branding process launched by the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and the Ministry for the Economy. During a two-day creative session, teams from various specialist areas began by identifying the points that particularly distinguished Luxembourg. This work presented three possible strategies for the new identity.
The final winner was the “X Factor” approach. Together with the Vidale-Gloesener agency, binsfeld developed the new identity and the corresponding slogan via a finely-tuned process.
The signature is an overall symbol for the country. It consists of the “X symbol”, the word “Luxembourg” and the invitation “Let’s make it happen”. The “X” stands for the numerous possibilities offered by the Grand Duchy. It also represents the country’s openness that goes hand-in-hand with stability and reliability. The slogan also calls on the reader to make active use of the opportunities offered by Luxembourg in order to successfully become a creator.

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Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs

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