Don’t forget my medication with Médicaplan

Federation of Luxembourg Hospitals

The Federation of Luxembourg Hospitals wanted to raise awareness in clinics, pharmacies and at doctors' practices, about the creation of a tool that registers all the medicines taken by the patient in order to help patients to remember to take their medicine and avoid taking double doses.
The binsfeld agency designed a medication booklet in French and German called 'Médicaplan', available in a paper version and to download. We also created the logo and produced two key visuals in order to advertise the campaign.
To help to promote Médicaplan, binsfeld created two posters with faces covered with post-its on which are written the names of medication and their dosage. The title "There is an easier way to remember your medication" underlines the solution provided in the subtitle "My medication plan, a genuine benefit for my health".

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survenu le mardi 12 mars 2024, de notre collègue


Le courage dont il a fait preuve ces derniers mois a forcé notre admiration et suscité notre plus profond respect. Nous nous associons à la douleur de sa famille et de ses proches et leur présentons nos plus sincères condoléances.

Cher ami, nous n’oublierons jamais ta bonne humeur, ton savoir-vivre, ta bienveillance et ton élégance.

Toutes les équipes de l’agence binsfeld