The new Rout Lëns

IKO Real Estate

IKO Real Estate wanted binsfeld to document the regeneration of the Rout Lëns brownfield site in Esch-sur-Alzette from four different perspectives: a human being at the centre of the issue, a sustainable and innovative project, a desire to cherish the industrial heritage and a place to live that embraces future.
We recommended an annual magazine that documents the development of the real estate project from a journalistic perspective, targeting future and local residents as well as public authorities and partners of the developer IKO Real Estate.
binsfeld provided the graphic design, editorial content and printing, and produced an annual magazine in French and Luxembourgish covering all issues, from A to Z. The result is almost 100 richly illustrated and documented pages that allow you to follow, in a highly original way, all the stages of the project, thus capturing the birth of a sustainable, innovative and model neighbourhood. Check the magazine here.

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